
Our blog uses quarto platform and it is hosted via GitHub Pages. This is a short guide for uploading blog posts using quarto.

Set up

  • Install quarto. The VS Code option is straightforward.
  • Clone the blog repository.
  • Create an issue (title example: “Upload a blog post for the Feb 2023 meeting”) and assign yourself to the issue.
  • Check out a new branch for the issue (branch name example: “16-write_blog”).


  • Create a folder in /posts. The name of the new folder should be the date of the meeting in YYYYMMDD format (e.g., posts/20221027/).

  • Create index.qmd inside the folder. This is the main file for your post. The top section of index.qmd is a YAML block with document options. You must fill out title, author, date, description, categories.

    title: "Paper title"
    author: "Author full name"
    date: "YYYY-MM-DD"
    image: "This image will show on the main page (this is optional).jpg"
    description: Short description of the post. It will show on the main page.
    categories: [paper]
  • Before writing the body, please include the following right after the YAML block:

    - Paper: [paper title](link to original paper)
    - Presenter: [first name](linkedin profile)
    - Attendees: [first name 1 (alphabetical order)](linkedin profile), [first name 2](linkedin profile), ... 
  • To give everyone some context, start the body with “Why this paper” paragraph.

  • You can include any image files in the same folder as index.qmd.

  • Run quarto preview <file name> to preview the rendered look of your post on the website.

Render and Review

  • Run quarto render once you are done. This automatically generates and modifies html files in the /docs and the main folders.
  • Add all the changes, commit, and make a merge request to main.
  • Assign the attendees of the meeting as reviewers, and go through a review process. Leave a message on Slack about the merge request.
  • Update the manuscript based on reviewers’ comments.
  • Once approved, merge the branch, close your issue ticket, and delete the remote branch.

Currently the blog is hosted via gh-pages branch (not main). Thus, after main is updated, we will rebase it to gh-pages, and the blog will be automatically updated with a new post.